Sunday, April 27, 2014

AWANA Pinewood Derby 2014

     This afternoon our church held it's annual AWANA Pinewood Derby. The boys were so excited. We were suppose to have it at the end of February, but it was rescheduled because of ice. The boys have had their cars ready since before the first date, and it has been hard to keep them from playing with the cars. They were so excited that today was race day, and they were finally going to be able to play with their cars that they had worked on with daddy.

     We were the first ones to arrive, and the boys were so anxious to begin. The Sparks and TNT kids raced the cars they made first. It has taken us a couple of years to figure out how to get the car to go fast. Logan finally had success this year. His car finished third overall in the races.


          Logan also won first pace for design. He was surprised and super excited! 

     The Cubies got to race matchbox cars. Lucas had picked out a special car from our vast collection. He chose it because it was Iron Man colors. Now that I think about it, it's kinda funny. Logan had a Batman car, and Lucas had an Iron Man car. The cubbies just raced for fun. But Lucas's car did pretty well. I know it finished in first place on at least a couple of races. He was so excited to race too!

     They had said dads could build cars to race too. Joshua was the only who had, so they let the first, second, third, and fourth place winners race against Joshua for bragging rights. All of the kids beat Joshua. The boys were excited to see Daddy race too! Hopefully next year, more dads will build cars and race.

      Logan strapped his trophies in for the ride home. Silly boy.

       I was happy to see Logan's effort and hard work pay off. But I was more proud of the way he acted and his attitude. When his friend Sean won first place, he ran over and gave him a high five. He was genuinely excited for his friend! He told the girls that won for design with him that he like their cars. I'm so thankful for Logan's sweet and gracious heart. 

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