Sunday, February 23, 2014

We Have Answers!!!

     We finally received answers for Logan's tummy troubles!

     On Friday, Dr. Osuntokun's office called with the test results. He had sent us for some blood allergy testing on Wednesday because the prick allergy testing they sent Logan for back in August of 2012 had shown he wasn't allergic to anything. The blood results showed that Logan is allergic to milk, not lactose intolerant, but actually allergic to milk.

     Joshua called me when he was on his way home from work with the news. He scared me to death and for a few moments I was afraid my worst fears about Logan's problems were becoming reality. He told me, "I have some really, really bad news about Logan." And he sounded so serious. I was so relieved when he told me about the milk allergy. The pH study confirmed that Logan has a rare form of reflux that Joshua has. Logan is now on reflux meds (the same one Joshua takes) twice a day to help with that.

    Joshua knew it was bad news because Logan loves milk and milk products so much. The boy would live off of chocolate milk if we let him. We were afraid he was going to fight us about this. But so far, Logan has been amazing. When Joshua got home on Friday night, we went to the store and bought Logan almond milk. I bought the unsweetened vanilla kind and he likes it okay. It's taking some getting use to, but he's being a good sport about it. Before he eats anything, he checks the label for milk or asks me too. This morning during Sunday school, he asked his teacher to check with me about donuts. We are taking this moment by moment. We are also trying to help him focus on what he can have rather than what he can't have.

     Thank you for lifting our Logan up in prayer as we went through the process of figuring out what is wrong.

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