Monday, September 29, 2014

Wedding Mini Road Trip

     On Friday, we drove to Royse City to see our precious friend, Maggie, get married. It took us about an hour and forty minutes to get there because of traffic. When you have children, if you drive for more than thirty minutes one way, it's definitely a mini road trip. You have to pack entertainment and snacks. Lucas slept the whole way, and Logan talked the whole way. Thankfully we had an uneventful trip both ways. Maggie got married in the most beautiful venue overlooking a pond. She was gorgeous! The boys stayed perfectly still and quiet during the ceremony. At the reception they served Chick-fil-a sandwiches, chips, and fruit. They also had a candy bar with pink and blue candy. And they had monogrammed cookies. The boys were so excited about the food! And she had a photo booth. They loved that too! We were seated with the Hesters at the reception. Rikki got everyone's food while I did potty duty, and Brice watched the kids at the table. I don't think I'll know to do with myself the day that sitting down to eat anywhere or anything is no longer a circus! We had a lot of fun, even the boys were excitedly telling daddy all about when we returned home. It's was a beautiful night with precious friends!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

More Than Just a Good Man

     The IBC Kids Choir sang, "More Than Just a Good Man" in worship this morning. Logan sang in a trio for the first verse. Both boys were super pumped about this song. They sang it at VBS this past summer. Lucas really rocked out to the song! I got scared for a minute that we were going to have a repeat of him jumping off stage, but thankfully that didn't happen!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Our Week in Pictures

Sunday: Before church 

Monday: Yummiest fall snack 

Tuesday: swim lessons 

Wednesday: AWANA 

Thursday: flowers from Lucas

More swim lessons: 

Friday: Logan's peanut butter face

Maggie's Wedding~I had the most handsome dates!

Saturday: Game time with Daddy

Multiplication Arrays:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Logan's Personal Ad

     Logan is doing his first novel study in English. They're reading Sarah, Plain and Tall. Logan's homework was to write a personal ad looking for a friend. Mrs. Gordon made it so easy for us. The sheet sent home had an example and walked us step by step through writing it. Logan had a lot of fun writing it, and writing is one of his very least favorite things. Logan did the optional part and created an ad mini poster that will be hung up in their classroom while they are completing their novel study. Mrs. Gordon said Logan could type rather than handwrite his ad for the optional assignment. He was super excited about typing. Then we found pictures online to print. He cut them out and glued them to his poster. This project was a lot of fun!

Happy Birthday, JJ!!!

Happy 1st Birthday, JJ!!!!

We love you!!! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Boys' Big Night at AWANA

     Both boys had big nights at AWANA tonight. Lucas earned his cubby vest and his honeycomb emblem.

     Logan had five sections signed off. It was his first week with his book, and he only has three sections left to finish his first Discovery! I'm so proud of my boys and how hard they work at hiding God's Word in their hearts! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Yesterday did not go as planned.

Grocery shopping wasn't done.

My car wouldn't start when it was time for me to pick up the boys. 

Because of the car, we didn't make Lucas's five year check up. 

Homework took twice as long. 

But Leah and Jenna came to my rescue and picked the boys up from school for me. 

Lucas's well check was rescheduled. 

Joshua was able to fix my car by replacing the battery. 

And he made it home in time for me to keep the boys' picture appointment. 

Then Joshua went to the grocery store to get enough things so I can wait to shop on Wednesday. 

Sometimes you have to focus on all that is goes right rather than all that goes wrong. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Picnic Time

     This afternoon we picked up some Subway and headed to Friendship Park to meet up with our Sunday school class for fellowship. Joshua and I enjoyed visiting with our friends, and the boys loved playing with their friends.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Our Week in Pictures

Homework time

First swim lesson

Logan-Level 2


Second Swim Lesson 

Logan's First Novel Study

Date Night and Pearls 

Lucas Telling Me Like It Is

Bike Time

Bama Football


     I was reading in Proverbs this morning and came across this verse: 

Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable? (Proverbs 20:6 NLT)

While there have been times in my life where I have felt this way. This morning I thought about the friends who have taken my hand and walked this journey of grief with me.  

Friends who said, "I can't even begin to imagine how you feel." And held me while I cried. 

Friends who said, " We know the depths of your pain and grief." And held me as I cried. 

Friends who cooked us dinner or took me for coffee. Or wrote us cards. 

Friends who made copies for my classes and made sure things were ready to go for my subs. Friends who stepped up and covered my classes. 

Friends who rode the roller coaster of hormones and emotions with me. They were just there. 

Most importantly, friends who prayed. And pointed us back to the truth about God and who He is in His Word. I still carry my "heart" Scriptures with me. They're torn and worn, but such a comfort even still when grief overwhelms. 

Today I'm thankful for loyal, reliable friends. And that they can be found. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Date Night

     We took the boys to MRBC Parent's Night Out tonight. Logan was a little nervous because it was his first time staying there, but he felt better once he realized him and Lucas would be together. 

     We actually dressed up and went to dinner. I even wore my pearls. We ended up just eating at Beto's. It was so nice to sit and have a conversation without being interrupted. It was also nice to enjoy dinner without rushing through or taking a million trips to the restroom. 

     After dinner, we decided to go ahead and pick the boys up. Joshua was at work at 6:30 this morning. The boys were having so much fun. They had played outside and eaten chicken nuggets and tater tots. They were sad to leave, and asking if they could go back. 

     Now we're home watching 7th Heaven. It's been a pretty perfect night. It was exactly what I needed. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Happy Place

    Today I'm exhausted. A lot stressed. And a little more than frazzled. 

     So in the middle of answering emails and dealing with loud, rowdy boys, I decided to take a trip to my happy place. 

     My happy place used to be in front of the fireplace with a salted caramel mocha and a slice of sweet potato pie with Crimson Tide football in the background.

    I realized today my happy place is no longer a place, but a series of events to relive. Getting a positive pregnancy test in the middle of the Crimson Tide/Chattanooga game. Showing Joshua that test and then sharing the news with Heather, Elizabeth, Krissi, and Leigh Ann. Then texting with Joel after Heather told him and sitting in a baby shower knowing that when it was asked who would be next that it would be me. Then I'm standing in the park with Meg as she takes the pregnancy announcement photo of the boys. Joshua and I are "arguing" about boy names over dinner at Abuelo's. And the sonograms and hearing the heart beat. And my last happy place moment. Waking up that Monday morning snuggled between Logan and Lucas with Joshua and my hand on my growing belly thinking about that moment when it would five of us snuggled up in our king size bed. 

     Then tears slide down my cheeks as reality slaps me in the face. Logan hugs me and asks if I'm okay. I smile and he squeezes me a little tighter. And I realize my happy place will always end as a beautiful tragedy. The beauty in the tragedy is that we have such a precious little person to lose. While I'm not happy she's gone, I am happy that I had her and I have my memories and dreams for her. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


     The boys finished their start zones and earned their handbooks tonight. Logan earned his T&T shirt which he is super excited about. And he helped with opening ceremony tonight. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fall Swim Lessons

    Tonight the boys started fall swim lessons. Timid lil Lucas really came out of his shell. He was even asking to jump off the side of the pool by the end of the lesson!

    Logan is super excited about his teacher. He has a young guy this time. Logan is doing really well; we just have to work on straight legs when he's kicking. Logan jumped into 6ft tonight and swam to the side. He was so proud of himself! 

Monday, September 15, 2014


     Sometimes being forced to work together is the only way to figure out how to get along.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Things They Said

"I'm almost a grown up! Hello!"~Lucas

"I know my corvettes! Right, Dad?!"~Logan