Saturday, September 24, 2011

Football and Devotion

It is said that football is most important in Texas. Texans live for fall and football season. That's very true of most Texans.  I was raised in the tradition of Crimson Tide football, which got me a lot of grief a couple of years ago, when we tamed Texas to win our 13th national championship.

As a true Crimson Tide fan, I watch every game I can even if it's on the internet. I check rankings, subscribe to blogs, and keep up to date even in the off season. On game days, my boys and I wear our Tide shirts and schedule our day around the game. My husband even had our curb address painted with the Alabama A and Roll Tide. Most people who know us, know we are Crimson Tide fans. They can observe it by the clothes we wear and Facebook status updates and tweets. I'm a devoted fan, and it's something I'm passing on to my children, just as my dad passed it to me.

I've been reevaluating life a lot lately. Am I more devoted to Christ than I am to my family, my job, my friends, my football team? Can people sense Christ in me? Am I doing a good job of modeling devotion to Christ for my boys? Am I showing my boys how to know Jesus and have an intimate relationship with Him and not just teaching them about Jesus?

Earlier this week, my mom asked Lucas, "Does God love Lukie?". Lucas said, "Yes." Mom said, "Does Lukie love God?". Lucas said, "no". At first, I was horrified, then I remembered he's 2. But that conversation got me to thinking about how important it is for us to provide them opportunities for their own encounters with Jesus. My devotion to Jesus isn't enough for them. They have to have their own relationship Him and choose to be devoted to Him on their own. Being raised in the "tradition" of Christianity isn't enough.

Truth is I'm a Crimson Tide fan because my Dad is from Alabama and he's a Crimson Tide fan because his family were Crimson Tide fans. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Crimson Tide. I started out as a Tide fan because of my dad, but I stay a Tide fan because I've come to love them on my own.

I don't want my boys to think they are Christians because Mommy and Daddy are, or because we're at church almost every time the door is open, or because they know about all Jesus/God and His Word. I constantly asking God to show us how to help our boys realize they need to know Jesus on their own and have a relationship with Him because they individually love Jesus, not because that's how they were raised or how our family is.

Here's a picture of my little Crimson Tide fans:

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